Small business health insurance cost
May 3, 2024

When it comes to choosing the right small business health insurance plan, cost is one of the most important factors. In Florida, costs of SHOP employer-sponsored health insurance from $190.74 to $934.63. Factors such as the size of your business, the type of plan you select, and employee contributions all play a role in your costs.

The truth is that the average cost of health insurance for small businesses varies dramatically by location, industry, organization, structure, and even by individual employees. To ensure that you get the best covered services for your organization while maintaining an affordable budget, it’s important to understand the factors that can affect the cost of health insurance in Florida.

How Does Small Business Health Insurance Work?

The most common type of small business health insurance is a group plan. Group plans have coverage sharing, which means that the plan is shared by everyone in the organization. However, every employee and their dependents still have their own policy, deductibles, and out-of-pocket costs.

Another popular type of small business health insurance is a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). These agreements allow employees to seek their own care and receive money back from their employer for their medical expenses. HRAs are partnered with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). These are tax-deductible, and their invested earnings are tax-free.

Read our comprehensive guide on small business health insurance.

Factors Influencing Health Insurance Costs

Health insurance costs vary greatly based on a number of factors. Small business owners have to remember that their business structure is one piece of the puzzle. They also have to consider unique employee demographics that could influence the cost of premiums. Additionally, the unique plan you choose, its structure and the needs of your employees will all affect costs.

Geographic Location

Health insurance costs increase or decrease depending on where you live. Factors like competition, the population’s age, and health risks and state and local rules all play a role in the cost of health insurance.

The average cost of health insurance for an employee plus one dependent is $4,727.33 annually in Florida. Because the state has higher-than-average rates, many employees see a generous benefits package as one of the most prized assets in the employer. Offering quality health insurance with good coverage can help your business attract and retain more talent.

Business Structure

Larger businesses will likely pay less per month in premiums than those with fewer employees. Simply put, those with more employees contributing to costs ultimately have less to pay on their own. This does not mean you can’t strike a good balance if you have a small team. However, you will have to put some more effort into finding the right coverage. You want to offer the greatest benefits to your employees without having unmanageable premiums.


If you work in an industry that has significant occupational hazards, then you will likely be offered insurance with higher premiums.However, because employees in these industries do face greater health risks on the job, they are in need of greater coverage. Extensive research and working with a broker who is well-versed in high-risk health insurance for small businesses can help you find the right provider and policy.

Employee Demographics

Individual demographics will play a role in how much a business has to pay out of pocket for health insurance. Those whose employees have higher health risks or underlying health problems will face higher costs than those with a younger, healthier staff.

Plan Features

When it comes to health insurance, it’s important to remember that no two plans are the same. Two HMOs or PPOs can still have different coverage services and requirements. This is why it’s so important to explore planned features in-depth before deciding on the right one for your employees.

Average Costs for Small Business Health Insurance

Employers can expect to pay between $6,000 to $12,000 per year for employee health coverage. The individual factors we’ve addressed will ultimately influence how much you pay per employee. The number of individuals covered under each plan will also affect premiums. There is a difference in paying for just one employee versus an employee plus one or a family plan.

Family plans tend to have higher costs than individual ones, so you must consider this when creating your benefits package. Employer-sponsored family health insurance plans now cost around $24,000 annually, with employees contributing approximately $6,700 per year.

The best thing you can do is carefully evaluate all of your options to ensure that you strike the right balance between cost and coverage. Working with an experienced Florida health insurance broker can help you weigh all of your options and get the best deal for your business.

Understanding Cost Transparency

Transparency is crucial for helping customers get the best coverage for the right price. Whenever you are evaluating different health insurance providers, be sure to pay close attention to their costs and billing practices. Make sure that you are fully aware of not only premiums, but deductibles, covered services, and coverage limits.

Understanding the cost of health insurance makes sure that you and your employees are fully aware of your own financial responsibilities, and it helps you know what to expect from your provider when you need health care. Additionally, cost transparency helps promote trust between clients and insurers, which leads to more informed healthcare decisions and financial stability.

Get Health Insurance for Your Small Business

If you’re ready to find the perfect health insurance plan for your small business in Florida, contact one of the experienced brokers at Live Health today.

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